Following the latest release 2.0.1 of RAWGraphs, we want to solicit the development of custom visual models by organizing a free webinar! We know (many of you wrote to us) that in different disciplines, there is a need for very specific visual models that we haven't added to the public version of RAWGraphs until now due to the interests of a too small niche or for very specific usage. But here comes the new feature: "Custom visual models" that allows you to create and share very peculiar visual models.
The idea is to organize a webinar for developers or dataviz geeks who are already interested and potentially able to develop a custom visual model with the goal of providing you a better understanding of the overall architecture and good practices and tricks for developing custom visual models.
Therefore, a good knowledge of JavaScript (js) and D3, and some experience in the field of data visualization are required.
IMPORTANT: This is not a webinar to learn how to use RAWGraphs but it's a webinar for developers and creative coders to learn how to develop new custom charts for RAWGraphs.
To register click here.